Everyone wondered, "How can I improve this?", But not everyone found the answer. The importance of growth and improvement is very important both in life and in business. If in life questions, you need to look for the answer yourself, by trial and error, then in business it is enough to look at competitors, market leaders and, after analyzing their actions, conclude what to do next. And sometimes you don’t need to analyze anything at all, because in the era of rapidly developing technologies, it is quite easy to find the necessary information on the Internet and find a way to solve this issue. And since you are reading this, you have chosen just such a method. One of the tools to improve the efficiency of the feed business, you can safely call certification. This process is quite laborious and time-consuming, but the result gives a clear understanding that it is worth it.

How to improve the eficiency of the feed business?

Grain harvesting process
Tab. A — Benefits and difficulties of enterprise certification

Looking at the table, we can conclude that the effort expended is worth it. Risk management, process control, etc., make it possible to continuously improve the work of the enterprise, which in turn increases both the value of the enterprise itself in the market and increases sales, compliance with legal requirements, gives the company a guarantor of trust from customers and investors., increases its image and significance in general, which makes it possible to enter international markets.

The standards are different, general and partial, if we talk about the feed business, that is, there are 2 (two) generally accepted standards such as ISO 9001 and GMP + FSA. If we talk about ISO 9001, then it is the only standard in its series, and GMP + FSA includes 1 (one) general standard covering all areas of the feed chain and 3 (three) narrowly focused ones. More details can be found in the article "Certification standards and their types".
The GMP + certification scheme covers all links of the feed chain from production (in the field) to the supply of products to livestock farms. This makes it possible to control all processes, monitor and manage risks and constantly improve the efficiency of your business.

By introducing into all processes, special systems that control the quality of the result and compliance with the requirements, the improvement process itself goes almost into automatic mode. This, in turn, facilitates the work of all systems as a whole, reducing the load on them, removing unnecessary (unnecessary) work from the production process.

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